My last blog January 30 was so positive! I was done with radiation and feeling better after increasing dexamethasone. Well, the positive feeling was short-lived! Lots of up and down feelings over the last 2 weeks have reminded me that side effects of radiation continue to keep getting worse for 2 - 3 weeks and then start to improve. Di tells me I should accept that this is my invalid time, but it is hard to accept 16 sleep hour days and being non-functional when I'm awake.
Also I have been coping with an itchy rash for 10 days which is certainly medication related, but it is a challenge to figure out what medication is the culprit and how to best treat it.
However, it is not all negative. Yesterday I had an uplifing visit with Dr. Bob Lee, one of my mentors from medical school. Bob is still physical with skiing and still creating fabulous photography images. Bob was part of the 1986 Canadian expedition to Everest and his photographs from that expedition remain inspiring, along all his photographs from the Kananaskis and all around the world.
So not much to do right now except ride out the ups and downs for now and look for feeling better down the road.
When you get feeling better we'll get you using that new lens.
Say, does Dr.Bob Lee have a website? I would love to see some of his photos. I went on some ski trips with Pat Morrow back when I was at UofC and have always been interested in the 88 Everest Climb.